"Is there some aspect you're particularly inter- ested in?" I asked as he sat down wearily.
"Yes," he began. "I would like to know which are the most interesting parts photographically. here to shoot a picture story for LIFE."
"LIFE Magazine?" I stammerred.
"Sure. You fellows have caused quite a stir around the country and we're here to see what it's all about."
Now I was really confused. I knew we had Milford excited, but it was hard to believe that the rest of the nation could be that interested.
"It's not just the show," he explained, "but this idea of wearing skirts all the time has started a lot of talk; it's catching on. And I hear that some of the fellows aren't going to change back after the show closes."
I explained that many of us had gotten used to the idea and frankly preferred the new look but that nothing definite had been planned..
"Maybe nobody planned anything," he continued, shaking his head knowingly, "but that's the word I hear."
He said it with such conviction that I was stun- ned for a moment and in considering his remark, I ran back through the cast in my mind and could not recall anyone who had complained recently about his role. Before we could dwell on the idea any longer, the stage manager announced that we had less than a half hour before curtain, so I hastily explained the show to the photographer and he was on his way.
In full costume now, Harry called the full cast together for a few final words. He looked absolutely